
User Satisfaction Using Webqual Instrument: A Research on Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)

Josua Tarigan
Faculty of Economics, Petra Christian University, Surabaya-Indonesia


User satisfaction held an important position in an organization to measure information system implementation excellence. Therefore, it is necessary for an organization to evaluate their delivered service using end-user satisfaction as feedback. The objectives of this study are to evaluate user satisfaction and examine the dimensions of WEBQUAL instrument which are valued by e-library user in Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). This research conducted under WEBQUAL theory (Barnes and Vidgen) and end-user satisfaction theory (Doll and Torkzadeh). Analysis organized from a set of data which involve 341 responses from e-library systems end-users confirm some degree of positive association between WEBQUAL dimensions and end-user satisfaction.

Keywords : User satisfaction, e-library systems, WEBQUAL theory, end-user satisfaction theory.

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1 komentar:

Rahmi Imanda mengatakan... [Reply]

artikel yang menarik, kami juga punya artikel tentang '3 dimensi webqual' silahkan buka link ini
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