

Etika Penggelapan Pajak Perspektif Agama: Sebuah Studi Interpretatif

Ika Alfi Nur Izza
Ardi Hamzah

The aim of this research to know, understand and interpretive of tax embezzlement ethics, religion perspective namely Islamic and Chiristian religion. Hence, this research is developed based on interpretive paradigm. The approach and technique of phenomenology analysis used to explore comprehensive meaning of tax embezzlement ethics, religion perspective namely Islamic and Christian religion. The result of this research prove according to Islam that the tax embezzlement is not ethics from regulation facet what making by government, because regulation made by government about tax this time have come near the perfection. According to Christian that the tax embezzlement sometime have ethics because taxpayer know the mean of
tax and its important but its reality still a lot of apparatus do the corruption so that society do not want to pay for tax. But Islam also say that the tax embezzlement is ethics in seeing from present condition, that is development a lot still not yet realization though taxpayer have paid its tax, so that taxpayer assume the tax payment is a theft. Christendom also say that the tax embezzlement is ethics in seen from Indonesia condition in this time that is to the number of tax apparatus do the corruption from result of tax money, so that make taxpayer do not want to pay for tax.

Key words: Islam, Christian, ethics, tax, embezzlement

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