

Orientasi Self Presentational dan Kemauan untuk Berprestasi dengan Motivasi Self
Presentational sebagai Variabel Moderating

Novrys Suhardianto
M. Suyunus
(Universitas Airlangga)


This research has identified the effect of self presentational orientation to the willingness to perform by using self presentational motivation as moderating variable. The purpose of this research was to show that the performance of a task while anticipating a performance evaluation can stimulate either a positive or negative sentiment and that the direction of the sentiment depends upon the protective or acquisitive self-presentational orientation of the evaluatee.

This research used laboratorium experimental design to test the hypothesis. Fifty three accounting students addressed a comprehensive accounting problem after being told that the results of their performance would be reviewed by accounting department committee. Self-presentational orientations within the subjects were induced by altering the performance standard level against which the evaluators would judge each subject's work. One experiment group’s performance was induced by comparing its performance to PPAk students as manipulative competitor. The other experiment group performance would be compared to accounting training student.

The results supported the hypothesis that, given a desire to impress the evaluators, individuals who perform a task for acquisitive purposes will be more willing to continue to participate in the task than their protective counterparts. However, there is one of hypothesis that could not be confirmed by this research. The unconfirmed hypothesis is that the self presentational motivation doesn’t moderate the relationship of self presentational orientation and willingness to perform.

Keywords: self presentational orientation, self presentational motivation and willingness to perform.

Download SNA XII - PPAK 01 "Orientasi Self Presentation dan Kemauan untuk Berprestasi dengan Motivasi Self Presentational sebagai Variabel Moderating"

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